Ps: I believe in you and I’ve been a fan from the start ❤️ Or someone completely different.Listen hello neighbor is my life when I was little I loved playing it with my brother, and I’ve never stopped since I loved the alphas like 1 and 2 they were awesome… but then 3 and 4 came out and it was just practically the same thing then I kind of got the concept of hello neighbor hide and seek and that you play as the neighbors kids, but then he’ll guest came out and it was plain down right confusing because if the neighbor has no friends and his family is dead WHO IS THE CROW and you give no hints about it the I thought maybe the neighbor is the crow but then he got caught by the crow and then hello neighbor 2 came out and we’ll it was simply fine I mean not the best game so listen tiny build not to be rude but you have got a broken game that you need to patch up fresh ideas new designs are old green eyed mustaches gloves neighbor NEEDS to be back PLEASE take as much time as you need you game is in critical danger ⚠️ and needs some patches to fix the people who don’t even give your games a bare chance because they think they are not good enough not as good as the old days come on tiny build you can do it patch up your broken critically in danger ⚠️ game However, incredible dangers await in the hero’s house in the form of a human raven, under whose mask either the mysterious neighbor himself is hiding.

The hero is trying with all his might to get to the bottom of the truth and nothing will stop him in this. From this moment, a series of madness begins, into which the journalist plunges, and with it the player. Having made his way into a seemingly abandoned house, the journalist notices a man dressed as a raven who begins to chase him. However, it turned out that the fault was not in him at all, but in the mansion opposite, where the mysterious neighbor lived. He decides to investigate the mysterious disappearances of many people and especially children in one urban area and his trail leads to a certain house.

The plot begins some time after the original and additions and is conducted on behalf of the journalist.

Hello Neighbor 2 is a long-awaited sequel to the beloved horror series about a mysterious neighbor and his mansion full of secrets and secrets.